3D Printing Process
We decided to use the R language to explore modelling our data to create a physical artefact.
We considered a number of approaches using community-sourced packages such as rgl and ggplot, and in the end used r2stl to export a 3D visualisation as a mesh object. This glitchy exported file then needed cleaning and repairing in Meshlab and Fusion 360 software before it was suitable to print.
The creation and print process itself became an important reflective part of the project, providing a lense/tool through which to consider how practice comes to life - seeing the physical rendering of an abstracted concept coming together slowly and revealing its patterns bit by bit.
Final Artefact
"Emotions are not hard-wired in the brain but are guesses/predictions" - Lisa Feldman Barrett
Choice of words in natural language part; increasing emotional response over time when understanding what’s happening in the images.
You can see this from features of the surface - the ‘lower’ side of the GRS-generated object represents later times, and less resistance for the current in the GSR device.
Respects both the differences and parallels between the types of data.