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Experiment Design


Updated: Dec 11, 2018


To monitor the physical emotional response to audiovisual stimuli using a Galvanic Skin Receptor

To collect verbal feedback from the participant after viewing the stimulus, to describe how they felt throughout the experience


Participant will enter a quiet place (a pre-booked room) with at least two interviewers

One interviewer will connect the participant to the Galvanic Skin Detector, and configure a baseline reading

  • Calibrate sensor

  • Put on participant

The other interviewer will prepare the laptop and headphones for the participant, and turn on the recording device for documenting the experiment.

When everything is ready, the experiment will begin.

  • Start timer and GSR sensor

  • Wait two minutes (calibration period)

  • Start video

When the video is over, the participant will remove their headphones and turn their attention back to the interviewers.

One interviewer will verbally ask the participant how they felt throughout the video. Only one interviewer will ask the questions to the participant, to see how the participant responds (only directly to that interviewer or sharing their experience with both interviewers, to explore ‘shared empathy’).

The participant will be able to explain how they felt, in whatever words they choose and for however long they feel comfortable talking

Experiment Materials

As part of the experiment the participant will have to watch an audiovisual composition consisted of a slideshow of photos. The photos are mostly found as a free source on the internet and they capture the war in Syria and the journey of Syrians in Europe. Specific video editing techniques are used for the construction of this video in order to reinforce its emotional impact. The soundtrack of the video is an original soundscape design also made using psychoacoustic techniques in order to empower the experience. The duration of the video is 5 minutes and 30 seconds. The duration is also an result of consideration in purpose of achieving the engagement of the participant.

Data Analysis

Quantitative Data - GSR Reading

One dataset will be the readings from the Galvanic Skin Response sensor device (emotion over time, output on a numerical scale)

Qualitative Data - Post Video Discussion

Another dataset will be the words the participant used to talk about their experience

This will be transcribed after the experiment has ended and fed into a Natural Language Processing algorithm

Talking points for post video discussion (as open ended and unguided as possible, to allow the participant to pick the correct words from their vocabulary to express themselves)

Could you think back and describe your emotions?

Did your emotions change during the course of the video?

What did you think about the content of the video?

How did you feel about the people in the video?

Can you give some specific examples of feeling close or distant to the people in the images?

How did the music make you feel?


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